While every business has the right to seek reward for its services, any advertising company that tracks user behavior and structures its technologies so as to manipulate consumer interest and consent has no business telling governments what they should or should not be doing on behalf of citizen privacy.
Google has in fact said in court that its users have “no legitimate expectation of privacy”. If that is the case, then there are no limits to what Google could do as it monitors your every move and engages with you through technologies that are designed to enhance its profits.
Google’s oversight of these technologies has been called into question by consumer advocates, business rivals, and government agencies. It is no secret that they have paid various fines for violating individuals’ privacy, and yet Google continues to develop and deploy technologies that are designed to manipulate and influence consumer interest and behavior.
Google is not an elected government. They are answerable to no one for their behavior if we the consumers they seek to manipulate do not stand up and demand that our governments place sufficient barriers to these abuses in their ways. You can fully expect every advertising network to oppose this petition.
The surveillance state you fear is not the one coming out of government efforts to fight Al Qaeda, whose insane war has spread to nearly 30 countries around the world. The surveillance state you fear is the one that the advertising networks have created through their invasive technologies and 24/7 monitoring of consumer Internet activity.
You have no privacy on the Internet. You never had any privacy on the Internet. If you seriously want privacy on the Internet then now is the time to deal with the most effective threat to your hoped-for privacy: stand up and demand that your government take action to restrict and monitor the abusive activities of these advertising networks.
Please visit this link and sign the petition: http://wh.gov/l8KVK
Even if you do NOT sign the petition, please share the link with your friends and followers. This is too important an issue to allow companies like Google to bury it beneath a wave of misdirecting propaganda.
In case that link doesn’t work, try this one: WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: propose a law limiting the amount of private consumer information that companies collect and use on the Internet.

View the original article here
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